Добрый вечер наши милые феи!
Спешим огласить итоги задания с двумя ОЭ.
Участников было немного, зато работы одна лучше другой, и ТОП-3 было достаточно трудно сложить! Наши девочки из ДК
единогласно выбрали ТОП-3 и ПД!!!!
Поэтому, давайте же скорее смотреть эти чудесные проекты!!!
По традиции, дарим вам виртуальную вкусняшку!!!
Good evening our cute fairies!
We are glad to announce the results of the challenge with the two mandatory elements.
Participants were few zatoproekty one better than another, and the top-3 was quite difficult to choose! Our designers unanimously chose TOP-3 and GD !!!!
Therefore, let us rather watch these wonderful projects !!!
By tradition, we give you a virtual dessert !!!
We are glad to announce the results of the challenge with the two mandatory elements.
Participants were few zatoproekty one better than another, and the top-3 was quite difficult to choose! Our designers unanimously chose TOP-3 and GD !!!!
Therefore, let us rather watch these wonderful projects !!!
By tradition, we give you a virtual dessert !!!